Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Fight It Out

I could spend my time fisking these emails, but I won't. Instead, I swallowed my pride. I told Sybil the emails came from the heart, I've been distant, and I'll try to do better. Now, I can catch my breath until tomorrow's drama.


Anonymous said...

Ay carumba. Are you ever between a rock and a hard place. Damned if you do and damned if you don't, literally. Sorry, I know it can't be any fun. But it's going to be ok. Because you have the option of just going with the flow, like a gray rock in the stream. Agree with her, placate her and tell her that you will try to do better. When physically saying these things, remember that they are merely words and just because your mouth and tongue are forming the sounds doesn't mean you have to actually BELIEVE them. Sometimes Medium Chill feels like selling ourselves out. Spineless. But of course we're not, because we understand the real truth in our hearts. That there is no other way to effectively deal with the PD. JADEing is not worth the time and effort and serves only to make it worse. There is no reaching the PD because they will only ever see things through the lens of their own personal PD filter. EVER. We finally understand this. So take one for the home team. Think about your little guy, and how you are doing this for him. It's noble, as he is a baby and needs the stability of a two parent household. So get your MC on -- but all while also knowing deep down that no one owns your mind or SOUL but you and you alone. And good luck, my friend.

aphron said...

Trying to maintain Medium Chill is easier said than done. Maintaining my inner core while paying lip service seems so hypocritical, but I guess we're having some sort of détente.