Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Yesterday I had to fire one of my employees. I really didn't want to do it. I had given her many chances to shape up, but she chose to resent me. If you think my posting was less, it'll be lesser now with work becoming overwhelming.

The kids are back in school, which means we're even busier. We seem to have become, in a way, the overindulgent parent. We're not home any during the week with soccer, scouts, baseball, etc. By the time 10:00 rolls around, I'm barely conscious. Chronic fatigue is not good.

As for the Wife and me, we're doing ok. We had a blow-up Friday night. I even said may be these big emotional blow-ups are hormone related. Apparently, I'm an asshole. Oh well, things are fine now. I really think it is the hormonal roller coaster is winding down for another 3 weeks.

I still plan to read everyone's blogs and post my thoughts...when I have time.


aphron said...

Yeah, I know it was losing proposition, but I had to say it. Deep down, I feel it is true. She is waaaaay better the 3 weeks of the month. I knew, when I said it, I was in dangerous territory.

If I understand you correctly, I'm screwed no matter what. If I try to be understanding, she sees me as condescending. If I blow it off due to hormones, I'm a prick.

aphron said...

I did not talk to her like she was three. I explained that I noticed this problem. It might be I'm not being understanding, but it also means she wasn't being understanding of what she puts me through. It kind of cuts both ways.