Friday, November 06, 2009

A New Post at Last

Before I begin, let me just say that I have not been a good blogger.

I have thoughts of stopping blogging all together. I started "Foolish Mutterings" as a kind of catharsis for the frustrations inside my marriage. While I have not REALLY solved many of the frustrations inside my marriage, I have learned to cope better with Sybil. This blog has helped with that coping mechanism. By typing all many of the goings on over the past few years, a kind of therapeutic effect has occurred.

We all make choices in our lives. We have to live with those choices (unless you're AIG). I chose to marry and reproduce with Sybil. Actually, I chose to reproduce and marry Sybil. Being the honorable person that I am, I "did the right thing". Two more kids later, I am still "doing the right thing". Like many on my blogroll, I am in a less than ideal situation. But...who is? No one. We are given choices, we make decisions on those choices, and we make the best of things. That is what I have done.

My lack of posting has more to do with losing interest in typing the same thing over and over. I love chocolate cake, but I don't want it every day for every meal. As much enjoyment I get out of "venting my spleen", I have learned that this oral masturbation is less than satisfactory. Like sexual masturbation, it may help fill a need, but it only dampens the appetite not satisfying it. Therefore, I have less enthusiasm about posting. Even blogging in general.

Instead, I've tried to focus on real resolution of my problems with Sybil. It's hard. If Sybil had her own blog (she may; I don't know), she would be writing about how difficult living with me is. That is the way of marriage. Eventually, one has two choices: accept the person and try to love him/her OR leave. I have come to realize that I could never leave Sybil. I may be a lot of things, but disloyal I am not. I still subscribe to romantic notions of honor and loyalty. Leaving Sybil would be terribly dishonorable for me. Although there are times... I feel that I am destined to be with Sybil. Also, there are three other people that need me to be there. I can't abandon them. Lastly, things between Sybil and me are improving, but it took a health scare to really bring it home. Everything is ok, but I'll post on that at a later time.

All of this has been rattling around in my little head. I will still post on occasion, and I'm sure my readership is down drastically. However, I just don't feel the compulsion anymore. I just don't feel the need to bare my heart here like I did. I guess I feel that I've made my bed, now I must lie in it.

Sadly, I've not written about love. Where is love in all of this? I do love Sybil, but it is not the hot, romantic love we had years ago. I guess this is normal for couples. Things cool down due to little resentments and annoyances that have occurred over the years. It's hard to be hot and bothered about someone, when that person was a bitch/bastard earlier today. It's hard to be let down, sexually, speaking time and again. Love becomes something different. This love burns slowly and warmly, but this love does not consume. That elderly couple that has been together for 50 years are probably no different that Sybil and me.

Well, I'll wrap up this rambling post now. There, are you happy FTN? Heh, I may be posting more to noodle out other thoughts rattling around in that space above my neck.



FTN said...

Yes, I am happy now. Thanks. :-)

I'm still a believer that the couple that has been married for 40 years can have SOME passion... We don't have to be 17 year old horndogs, but I think there is something to strive for in long-term marital passion. Although there is also something to be said for accepting the people and things that can't be changed.

aphron said...

Yep. The problem is maintaining the passion. On top of all of the things that I've posted over the years here, Sybil also controls how things go in the boudoir. We all have choices. I've chosen a more honorable, selfless option.

Also, I have to wonder is it me? Is it Sybil? Is it life? I think that I'm coming to realize that "it" just is. Grass is only greener over the septic tank, and we know what lies beneath that.

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Val said...

I believe that the perfect marriage is some mythological construct, akin to the unicorn. Certainly there's a lot to be said on behalf of loyalty & fidelity - having someone you can depend upon can outstrip all fleeting physical passion.
[she states w/all the courage of her hard-won cynicism]

Trueself said...

Ditto to what Val said.