Monday, June 29, 2009


Ah, the human condition. We seem to be hardwired to engage in drama. I'm truly amazed at what people get bent on the least of things.

Sybil's drama has been chronicled here. In fairness to her, our personal drama has decreased. I guess I finally caved in. The path of least resistance is to finally say, "Yup, you're right. I screwed up." All of the while thinking, "Of all of the things in my life to stress out about, we have to stress out about this." The other night, she managed to bring up stuff from when we were dating over 16 years ago to prove her point. By doing so, she made the discussion more about how much can she pummel Aphron over the head with past deeds and less about the issue at hand. I didn't even remember this deed, but she had. So, another strike against me.

Sadly, I'm beginning to think that Sybil is more the norm. I see drama everywhere. I read it on blogs, I see it at church, I see it in my office, etc. I used to take the misogynistic position that only women engage in drama. I've since learned that men do to...we call it sports (especially youth sports...especially youth baseball). I digress. The human condition is take situations that reveal a failing in someone and find ways to make sure they become personal.

Where does that lead us as a species? Not very good. Probably, the cold war was nothing but a bunch of people sitting around getting bent about some perceived slight. At the tender age of 40, I am just too naive. I really thought that life was stressful enough without having to go around and invent more stress.

On a personal note, Sybil and Daughter are out of town for a few days. That leaves me with the boys. I don't have to watch any Miley.



Anonymous said...

Not watching Miley has got to be the biggest relief.

selkie said...

seriously, I'm with the Silent Male on that ...miley is cruel and unusual punishment for anyone. I friggin HATE drama -and you're right, it's not just a female perogative. In fact, my latest plea to D. is I'm SICK of drama! can't we JUST get on with life??

FTN said...

Is the drama really that prevalent? Maybe I've just managed to surround myself with people who are relatively drama-free.

Or, more likely, I just don't notice it, and it goes over my head. Probably easier that way anyways.

aphron said...

the silent male-
Oh yeah. Can anyone say "overexposed"?

I hate drama, too. I abhor it. I will do everything in my power to avoid it. That may be at the heart of why Sybil seems to get her way?

Lucky you! I don't know, if it's the people around me, the town I live in, or Sybil's penchant to speak out no matter what.

Anonymous said...

Is there life after drama?

I'll share if it happens ...