Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I Hate Anniversaries

Sybil and I celebrate our 19th anniversary this weekend.  I have come approach each anniversary with a sense  fear and loathing.  I should be excited.  Nineteen years is a long time in today's world for two people to live together.  Not many can say it.  It should be a time of celebration.  However, Sybil can be a buzzkill like no one else.

I assume that most people have anniversaries that are filled with joy and laughter.  A day of celebration.  Not us.  Sybil always feels a need to ruin it by dispensing with drama.  This one was no exception.  We had to argue about things that I thought were resolved.  Nopey.  We had to regurgitate past incidents like last night's expired milk.  I blame myself, really.  Sybil manages to suck me into her drama.  It is only after the fact that I notice.  She plays on my emotions and keeps me off balance.  It's truly remarkable.  I have to learn to be in control and not let her pettiness become larger than life.

So, true to form, this anniversary was horrible.


Sailor said...

I hope that you can learn to let her drama go, sorta. It's to bad the day wasn't more exciting, but it's probably true that the days are only exciting and happy when the marriage is, no?

Craig said...

Ummmmm. . . Happy Anniversary?

There's got to be some kind of 'Treasure In Heaven' for your kind of perseverance. . .

Yikes! WordVer = 'Assoll'

Sheesh. . .

Anonymous said...

There are things one can say that perhaps are best left unsaid.

I rather think my Momma has some of the skills of Sybil which is why she only has a couple friends and me left in her life. She lives for drama, real or manufactured.

Couldn't imagine 19 years of that. What Craig said I think says it all.

aphron said...

Thanks, everyone for commenting. I still think about it. I wonder if it's because she's Chinese. Is there a cultural need to if not ruin at least downplay a big day? She pulls the same stuff on birthdays, too.

Anonymous said...

Hard to say, I know some Chinese folks (some native, some immigrant) and the ones I have as friends are relatively level headed and drama resistant. Some of their family are not so much.