Monday, February 13, 2006

I Came to Praise Her

In a few comments in my posts, some have wondered about Wife being in a state of depression. I think depression is highly unlikely. Although she likes to sleep in and rarely gets moving before noon, she has no other symptoms.

This blog was my way of venting against my wife. This is a purely one-sided and narcissistic exercise. Obviously Wife has many wonderful traits, otherwise I would not have married her and stayed married nearly thirteen years. No, we do not have a perfect relationship, but who does?

Basically, our marriage can be summed up thusly: a Type A person living with a Type B person. Each of us are what we are. We must accept that and move on. I do not think people can change from outside influences, unless they allow it. I cannot expect her to suddenly start worrying less, "nagging" less, or any of the other aspects about her that drive me insane. Since I love her, I must accept her faults.

Concentrating on the positive:
1. Wife loves helping people. She spends a considerable amount of time volunteering at our church.
2. Wife is a good mother to our children. She strives to raise children that are considerate of others, smart, etc. To her credit, we are always getting complimented on our children's behavior.
3. Wife is very sexy. She enjoys the afternoon quickie. Although she may have some issues in bedroom, I cannot complain about the frequency of sex.
4. Wife is naturally attractive. She looks good with a minimum of effort.
5. She is smart. Wife is definitely able to see an issues from all sides.
6. Wife is tenacious. I am listing this trait on the positive, although it can be negative because it takes an inordinate amount of time and energy to change her mind.
7. Wife is supportive of me. My professional success could not have come about with out her.

On this Valentine's Day, I know that, for the most part, I am lucky to be married to Wife. After reading other blogs and seeing other people's issues, I see that mine can be dealt with.


FTN said...

Very nice. It's good to remember some of those things in the midst of the things we occasionally complain about!

I try to remember that for every marriage out there that might seem "better" than mine, there are probably 10 others that are worse. We just compare ourselves to what we think are the ideals.

From that list, your wife sounds pretty great.

Mom of 3 said...

I think it's awesome that you made this list of your wife's positive attributes, and 7 of them too!

The best gift I gave my ex for V day one year was a list of the things that I loved about him. Because during the everyday living of our marriage, there weren't a lot of praises being sung to one another. It was important for me to make the list and important for him to read it.

Kudo's to you.