Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Sick and Tired

After two whole days of feeling total love and admiration for Wife, it was ruined this morning.

On Sunday I had indicated that I was in need of release. Wife happily obliged. Although she was on her period, she gave me a most wonderful blowjob and let me cum in her mouth (which is a rare occurrence). For the next two days, I was in total heaven. I looked at her with total love.

Last night she indicated that she had a PTO meeting at 8:00 this morning. Anyone reading this blog knows that Wife has serious issues with getting out of bed before 9:30 am. Since she had to be up early, I added getting her up in time to my list of getting our three kids up and ready. After the second time of trying in vain to get her butt our of bed, Wife says, "I don't have to go. It's not a mandatory meeting." I became irritated and replied that if she had told me, I would have let her sleep in, turned the light off and left.

On her own, she decides to get up and start getting ready. I go upstairs to finish getting myself ready to go to work. She starts giving me the attitude. Statements like I should've known her meetings aren't mandatory, it's a volunteer organization, she's only the depositor (assistant treasurer) were thrown at me. At this point I restate myself. Still I'm getting the attitude. I tell her fine, next time she can sleep in.

I'm getting sick and tired of the laziness and inability to get it together. She never cooks, she can sleep in until 3:00pm (kids get out of school) if she wanted, she doesn't have to work, she expects me to do half of the housework (after working 9 to 10 hours), she wanted a small exercise gym (bought a treadmill and a weight machine, installed DirecTV and she has never used it) and isn't conscious when I leave in the morning. Excuse the fuck out of me for trying to be helpful.


Mom of 3 said...

I wish I could offer you some good advice here, but I don't have any. In my marriage, I was the one to take on most of the responsibilities, and I've always worked. Whether it was housework, cooking, soccer games - I did it all.

Your wife sounds as if she's being completely unfair, like you can't win no matter what you do. That's how I felt in my marriage, I always lost. I wonder if your wife had a close girlfriend to relate this morning's story to, what her viewpoint would be.

FTN said...

Hmm, I could see that being rather frustrating. And I'm sure there is no good way to talk to her about it, without it upsetting her.

What time does she go to bed that she normally sleeps in that late? Does she have "energy issues" from something she's not getting in her diet or lack of certain vitamins? I'm not a morning person AT ALL, so I'd love to sleep in until 10 AM. But with kids and a job, that hasn't happened in years.

BroccoliEater said...

The exhaustion and inability to get basic stuff done is a major sign of clinical depression -- has she been screened or treated in the past for this?

Anonymous said...

The one year that I had no inclination to even get out of bed was the year I had major depression and didn't really know it. Once this was recognized, things got so much better for both me and my husband.

One thing that disturbs me however - feelings of total love and admiration for your wife come from getting a bj and when real life interfers they are gone so easily? Maybe emphasis and importance is placed on the wrong characteristics?

aphron said...

Thanks for the posts.

Depression - Probably not. Her whole family would sleep the day away, if they could. Of course, this does not make it any less frustrating for me. It is interesting that she complains how her family puts nonfamily first, yet she does the same thing (see my Ogre post). Therefore, she has very little time to do things needed by the family unit.

Anon - Of course, an unreciprocated BJ is selfish. However, the "floating" feeling that I had for the two days was because of the unselfish act. I offered to do her, but she decline (Aunt Flo).

Anonymous said...

You know depression runs in families, yes?

Just because her "whole family could do it" doesn't mean SHE isn't depressed.

O272 said...

I don't know about depression, but I'd give my hubby a blowjob a day if I had that schedule!