What have I learned in a year's worth of blogging? Too much? Not enough? FTN wondered how blogging has helped me.
I started this blog because I needed a venue to vent my frustrations and emotions. Venting with Wife doesn't work too well. She, like me, wants to solve the problem rather than listen with a sympathetic ear. Besides, most of the stuff I vent about (~90%) is about Wife and our marriage. I want us to have a happy marriage, but it seems we are never quite there.
My list of things I've learned (in no particular order):
1. I'm rather lonely. Kind of sad isn't it? My life is spent working and running with the kids. I don't have time for relationships outside our family. I have one guy friend, and he works more than I do. Blogging has helped me feel connected.
2. I'm probably something of an enabler. I tend to let Wife run roughshod over me. At the end of the day, I simply do not have the energy to fight her over things that are annoying me. Someday I may have to face facts.
3. I'm patient. I can put up with a lot of crap. Self-explanatory to anyone who reads this blog.
4. Although Wife is borderline verbally abusive at times and has a definite psychoness about her, it could be worse. Right? I might not want to dwell too much into that.
5. I have a secret side. We all do. Wife could not handle the things I write here or the comments posted. Let's keep it a secret, shall we?
Writing this blog has been fun. I had a more political blog, but it became boring for numerous reasons. Since Wife and I tend to fight like cats and dogs (I haven't posted about this weekend's long, running gunfight), I'll never run out of material. Unless we divorce. I'm too stubborn to admit failure, so we'll keep plugging along.
Congrats on your 1 year!!!
It's amazing how much we learn about ourselves thru writing in blogland!!!
Have a great day!!!
Passionate Man-
It's interesting how guys don't really talk to each other about their feelings. Women are always doing this. They analyze every nuance of a conversation. Men don't.
I've been to your site many times. Right now, I'm way too busy to blog effectively. I'll be stopping by.
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