Thursday, June 29, 2006

My First HNT!

Don't laugh. It took a lot of courage to share this candid moment with you, my readers. I hope you enjoy. Be gentle in the comments. To add to the surprise, you gotta scroll down to view it.

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Well, what do you think? I think I captured my good side. With Sybil gone for a couple more days, I might play with that digital camera some more.


April said...


Fat Bastard...Heh.

I have to admit...I did like that movie.

So Gone Over You said...


aphron said...

april, c-marie, and so gone-

I'm glad you liked it. The Austin Powers movies are ok, but Fat Bastard was pretty funny.

FTN said...

Get in my belly!

You know what they say. Once you've had fat, you never go back.

aphron said...

mr. husbland-

I'm looking into getting a manzier. It lifts and separates.


You should've seen before Weight Watchers!

Facets of V said...

Well you SEX GOD, I am surprised that women weren't lined up around the block trying for some of that when word got out that Sybil was away! ROFL

aphron said...

facets or v-
Who says they weren't?