Monday, June 06, 2005

Calm Before the Storm?

Well, things are much calmer since last time. I have been trying to be more attentive and putting her first. Things are easier. I do not believe it is anything I am doing. I beginning to wonder, if the birth control pills have anything to do with it. I am going to keep a log of our blow ups with the hypothesis being that they are worse and more frequent the week prior to her period. If that is the case, I am going to push for her to get off of the pill and me have a vasectomy.

I have offered on numerous occations to have one. I know it is far less invasive for men than women, the recovery time is less for men than women, and it has less likelihood of failure. Unfortunately, once a Catholic, always a Catholic. She is against any form of permant sterilization. It was rough to get her on the pill. With the surprise birth of our third child, she relented.

Hopefully, tracking the mood swings (that is what I call them) in relation to her period will guide us.


'nilla said...

Actually, I would think that the birth control pills would help the situation. I am not on the pill and have the horrible mood swings as well. Not exactly mood swings, I just become convinced that my SO is lying to me, or doesn't love me. I know it would seem like we could realize what is going on if it happens every month, but when we are in that state, well, for me half the time I don't even know it is that time of the month, and even if I do realize it, I am insistent that that has nothing to do with it. This is a tricky area. Approach any conversation with caution and pick your day very wisely. ;) good luck.

aphron said...

Maybe. I, also, thought that to be the case. It could be coincidental. She tends to be a "Type A" personality type, whereas I tend to not be. That could be all of the problem. Or, I might need to lay in a good supply of chocolate once a month :).