Monday, July 25, 2005


My in-laws are stirring the pot, big time. With the pap smear results that Wife received, her OB/GYN has recommended cryopexy to remove the questionable tissue. She, I think, has a Class 3 (mild pre-cancerous). She thinks she is one step from cancer. Naturally, when someone says the "C" word, it puts a tremendous burden on the affected person. She is nearly distraught, because she cannot figure out why this is happening to her.

Wife called her sister and talked to her husband (also an OB/GYN). This wonderful man simply said hysterectomy. A hysterectomy at 33 will lead to many physical problems later (not to mention a lowered libido). Also, this is a much bigger procedure than an office cryopexy. Wife is now leaving concerned and arriving at freak-out. The cherry on the sundae was SIS (sister-in-law) saying, "Well, it is to be expected with your past."

Wife has had two sexual partner before meeting me. The first one used a condom and the second was supposedly a virgin. That leaves me. I may be the carrier of the HPV? I tell her that she notes that there is nothing abnormal about "down there." Although Wife may have had a lot of sex prior to me, she had only two partners.

My SIS's comment is infuriating. Wife's whole family is very good at lobbing "verbal handgrenades." Little comments that make a big impression. I resent what she said, because I feel it was made out spite. This adds more stress to an easily stressed out person, who worries for a hobby.

Anyway, Wife is going to call her OB/GYN for a phone consult and ask more questions. We'll see how it goes.


aphron said...

That's the thing. It shouldn't be about being judgemental. A lot the problems she and I have goes back to her being judgemental. In situations like this, I see the apple not falling too far from the tree. Instead of focusing on the problem at hand, these people like to score points. Very disappointing.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, don't stress out about HPV. Most people have it, I don't give a hoot what people say or how they react or who they want to blame it on.